- Medizin
- Reportage
Athlete Triad
Diese Form der Essstörung nennt man auch „Anorexia Athletica“ oder „Female Athlete Triad“
Ihre Karriere wurde durch Ermüdungsbrüche beendet. Eine Folge ihrer Magersucht in Kombinatin mit der extremen sportlichen Belastung. Diese Form der Essstörung nennt man auch „Anorexia Athletica“ oder „Female Athlete Triad“
Ana_01C0365The Gymnast. For this work, I accompanied a athlete who had to quit her career as a result of the disease anorexia athletica or female athlete triad © Pascal Amos Rest
Ana_02C0089The Gymnast. For this work, I accompanied a athlete who had to quit her career as a result of the disease anorexia athletica or female athlete triad © Pascal Amos Rest
Ana_03C0466The Gymnast. For this work, I accompanied a athlete who had to quit her career as a result of the disease anorexia athletica or female athlete triad © Pascal Amos Rest
Ana_05C0284The Gymnast. For this work, I accompanied a athlete who had to quit her career as a result of the disease anorexia athletica or female athlete triad © Pascal Amos Rest
Ana_05C0482The Gymnast. For this work, I accompanied a athlete who had to quit her career as a result of the disease anorexia athletica or female athlete triad © Pascal Amos Rest