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20160127_radike_MGM5408Asia, United Arab Emirates, Dubai. Congress report for Bayer Pharma AG. Arab Health Congress at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre. Total Radiology 2016, The 16th Imaging and Diagnostics Conference. www.ahcongress.com.
20160305_PAR_2561_300dpiEurope, Austria, Vienna. European congress of radiology, ECR 2016 at Austria Center. Industry Exhibition, competitors.
20160305_PAR_6176_300dpiEurope, Austria, Vienna. European congress of radiology, ECR 2016 at Austria Center. Industry Exhibition, competitors.
20170301_radike_RAD4805Europe, Austria, Vienna. 23th ECR European Congress of Radiology and annual meeting of the ESR at Austria Center. ESR Welcome Lounge.
20160127_radike_MGM5397Asia, United Arab Emirates, Dubai. Congress report for Bayer Pharma AG. Arab Health Congress at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre. Total Radiology 2016, The 16th Imaging and Diagnostics Conference. www.ahcongress.com.
20160127_radike_MGM5454Asia, United Arab Emirates, Dubai. Congress report for Bayer Pharma AG. Arab Health Congress at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre. Total Radiology 2016, The 16th Imaging and Diagnostics Conference. www.ahcongress.com.
20160305_PAR_6309_300dpiEurope, Austria, Vienna. European congress of radiology, ECR 2016 at Austria Center. Industry Exhibition, competitors.
20160305_PAR_6375_300dpiEurope, Austria, Vienna. European congress of radiology, ECR 2016 at Austria Center. Industry Exhibition, competitors.
20180303-_PAR2580Europe, Austria, Vienna. 24th ECR European Congress of Radiology and annual meeting of the ESR at Austria Center. Hitachi presents the most powerful open MRI (Oasis) at the Technical Exhibition.
20160303_radike20160303-165A4643Europe, Austria, Vienna. European congress of radiology, ECR 2016 at Austria Center. At the Bayer booth.
20160304_radike_G1A8031Europe, Austria, Vienna. European congress of radiology, ECR 2016 at Austria Center. At the Bayer booth.
20150911_radike_MG_4279Asia, Korea, Seoul. KCR 2015, the 71st Korean Congress of Radiology and Annual Delegate Meeting of The Korean Society of Radiology at Coex. www.kcr4u.org. At the Bayer booth.
20160229_radike20160229-165A3494Europe, Austria, Vienna. European congress of radiology, ECR 2016 at Austria Center. ECR Preparation.
20160303_radike_G1A7346Europe, Austria, Vienna. European congress of radiology, ECR 2016 at Austria Center.
20161127_radike_RAD4339America, USA, Chicago. Bayer at RSNA 2016, the 102nd scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of America. Accomponied by Kontext Gesundheit (Katja Flieger und Martin Hermes - www.kontextgesundheit.de), sowie Birgit Hollenbach, (www.textsandtranslations.com).
20160915_radike_G1A3460Europe, Serbia, Belgrade. Bayer at 39th ESNR Annual Meeting. 23rd Advanced Course in Diagnostic Neuroradiology & 8th Advanced Course in Interventional Neuroradiology of the ESNR European Society of Neuroradiology. Accomponied by Birgit Hollenbach, (www.textsandtranslations.com).
Europe, Germany, Leipzig. 98. RÖKO - German Congress of Radiology.Europe, Germany, Leipzig. 98. RÖKO - German Congress of Radiology.