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13_03_20171022_radike_RAD3909Asia, Peoples Republic of China, Zhengzhou. Accomponied by Jens Roettig and Vera Zhang (Translation) from Bayer AG and Katja Flieger from KontextGesundheit. www.kontextgesundheit.de. First hospital affiliated to Zhengzhou university. Interview Jianbo Gao, vice president and radiology department chair CT.
20171020_radike_RAD0201Asia, Peoples Republic of China, Beijing. Accomponied by Jens Roettig and Vera Zhang from Bayer AG and Katja Flieger from KontextGesundheit. www.kontextgesundheit.de. Beijing - Peking Union Medical College Hospital. Radiology Department Chair: Zhengyu Jin. Tour with chief technician Yun Wang through radiology department. © fotodesign2r/Britta Radike© fotodesign2r/Britta Radike